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3909 Bienville Street (Suite 105)
New Orleans, LA 70119


NoDoubt Workout, The Body you want, The Body you need!

Your Health

Vegan Transformation

Guest User

No Doubts!
We all know the weight loss equation...70% diet and 30% exercise. As most of you know, I have been consuming a no neat diet for almost two months now. As a result, my body has shown major transformations. Fat loss, muscle gain, clearer skin, increased energy, decreased appetite for unhealthy foods and a sharper mindset are just some of the things I am experiencing from ceasing meat intake. That simple!
I am so amazed at my transformation and I am now so eager to motivate you all to transform! Its so worth it!
Starting, Monday, Oct 16, I am asking you to join in the "No Doubt Vegan Transformation" for at least 30 days. We will end on just before thanksgiving...TRANSFORMED before the holiday season starts.
If you are ready to experience the health benefits God intended for you, here's what you will have to do:
1: Prepare your meals and snacks daily: I'll be sending meal plans to you with suggestions and recipes! Its not as hard as you think!
2: Take a before and after pic with me at NDW and weigh in on your start and finish dates. There's nothing like seeing your results first hand.
3: Hold yourself accountable: Create a post for EVERY workout and EVERY meal for the next 30 days. Ask family and friends to cheer you on! You will feel disappointed when you fail to meet your own expectations.
4: Drink water. Drink water. Drink water.
5. Get your mind on the right place: This is the hardest and most important step. If you set in your mind that you will commit to health at all costs and stay matter what...YOU WILL TRANSFORM.
If you are interested in transforming with me, send me a text to let me know and I will schedule your before pics and weigh in. No Doubts, the sacrifice is so worth it. I want to see all of you gain the benefits of your hard work with working out. That won't happen without sacrifice.
Talk to you soon.
