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New Orleans, LA 70119


NoDoubt Workout, The Body you want, The Body you need!


Your Health

April 1,Daily Tip

Guest User

Rotating and stretching every joint daily keeps them lubricated, and helps prevent injury.  Start at one end of your body and work your way to the other end stretching and moving every joint, especially before exercising or when under stress.


March 29,2016 Daily tip

Guest User

The lymph system, like the bloodstream, carries larger sized nutrients throughout the body, and helps remove waste products.  However, there is no "heart" to pump lymph, it moves only when the body moves or "exercises".  Without movement, lymph stagnates, and the body becomes poisoned.  So get that lymph moving for a healthy body!


March 24,2016 Daily Tip

Guest User

Work to decrease your bowel transit time (time between bowel movements).  A healthy bowel moves after every large meal, a minimum of once a day.  The longer food remains in the digestive tract, the greater the chance of fermentation, putrification, and toxin absorption.  Consume natural, whole, raw, high fiber, organic fruits and veggies to keep things moving.


Wednesday March 23,16 Daily Tip

Guest User

In a healthy person, fasting one day a week allows the digestive system to rest, rejuvenate, and detoxify.  It also reduces caloric intake, but not enough to significantly reduce metabolism.  Consider fasting (water and juices allowed) for one day a week (or even one day a month) if not contraindicated by illness or weakness to maximize health.


Monday Daily Tip March 21,16

Guest User

Studies find most children with ADD and ADHD respond positively to decreased sugar consumption, and increased essential fatty acid supplementation (especially EPA and DHA) suggesting these conditions may be associated with nutrient deficiencies.  Consider decreasing sugar intake and increasing fish or flax oils in children with ADD or ADHD.


Daily Tip March 17,2016

Guest User

Fruits (both sweet and citrus) are digested in the intestines, passing through the stomach without processing.  If eaten with other foods (sugar, fats, breads, milk, meats) fruits may be delayed in the stomach causing fermentation (rotting).  If you have digestive difficulties with fruits, consider consuming them alone, or waiting at least one hour before eating other food groups.


Daily Tip,March 14,2016

Guest User

Many of us complain about the high cost of organic foods, but fail to account for the high cost of health care resulting from poor food consumption.  Support organic and small farmers, and improve your own health by consuming more organic foods - those without chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, and genetic modification.


March 12,2016 Daily Tip

Guest User

When faced with calorie restriction, the body automatically reduces metabolism to ensure survival, which slows weight loss and is the cause of "plateaus".  Consume a low carbohydrate, high protein diet combined with exercise to help increase metabolism after calorie restriction to avoid gaining back lost weight.  The combination of protein and exercise signals the body that the crisis is over, and it is safe to burn fat instead of saving it for famine conditions.  


Daily Health tip March 9,2016

Guest User

Very few medical schools require even one course in nutrition for physician training even though studies show diet impacts most illnesses.  Instead, the focus is on disease treatment through surgery and drugs.  To prevent illness, take control of your health.  Learn everything you can about healthy lifestyle choices and start making changes now. Baby steps cover a lot of ground over a lifetime.


March 5,Daily tip

Guest User

Low levels of many of the B Vitamins and Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3) are highly correlated with depression.  Consider adding a B-Complex vitamin and Fish or Flax oil and daily exercise before resorting to anti-depressant drugs.


March 2,16 Daily Tip

Guest User

Studies show that extreme exercise (like marathon running) creates many free radicals and may actually damage the cardiovascular system.  For long term cardiovascular strength, consider exercise which requires short bursts of intense energy expenditure followed by recovery periods to minimize free radical and cardiovascular damage.This is why I have The New NoDoubtWorkout class now,no more then 50 minutes  of cardio....


Daily Tip March 1,2016

Guest User

To optimize vitamin content and nutrition, eliminate or reduce as many of the processed nutrient depleted "white" foods as possible, including sugar, flour, white bread, and white rice.


Daily Tip February 29,2016

Guest User

Mental function is greatly improved in both children and adults with adequate levels of Essential Fatty Acids.  Increase consumption of fish, flaxseed, eggs, butter, and nuts/seeds to provide adequate Essential Fatty Acids naturally, or consider Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplements.


February 25, Daily Tip Stop drinking Milk

Guest User


Why You Should Stop Drinking Milk

A milk-mustache might not be so cute after all. Turns out your doctor may be wrong about milk.

Leonor Martins in Lifestyle on Feb 15, 2016

Let’s keep in mind that humans are not designed to drink milk. We are the only animals that continue to drink milk after infancy. What’s even weirder is that we drink a different animal’s milk. Do we see cats drinking a goat’s milk? No. Kittens (and all other animals) only drink their own milk. We’ve been taught to drink milk because it’s healthy. Well, turns out it’s not so healthy after all. Here are four reasons why you should stop drinking milk immediately.

You're drinking pus

A glass of milk contains many disturbing ingredients, such as bovine growth hormone, feces, and antibiotics. Quite possibly the most shocking of all is that milk has an alarming amount of pus. Yes, the pus in milk is the same type of cells produced inside a zit. How exactly do these cells get in the milk? Pus is produced as reaction to bacteria in the udder, one of the most common infections in dairy cows in the United States. Pasteurizing the milk depletes it of a lot of the harmful bacteria’s, however, it doesn’t sweep it clean. The industry uses the somatic cell count to indicate the quality of milk because the number of cells increase in response to bacteria. While the U.S. doesn’t have the highest cell count limit in the world, it’s far higher than in places like Europe and Canada.

Cows milk isn't meant for humans

A cow’s milk is perfectly fit to turn a newborn calf into a 400-pound cow in just one year. For a human, cow’s milk contains an abundant amount of pointless fat, cholesterol, and calories. All of this creates a huge imbalance in the human body.

The health benefits are misleading

Most Americans drink milk because it’s high in calcium which leads to strong healthy bones. Contrary popular belief, no reputable (or non-biased) scientific study has shown that milk reduces bone fractures. Shockingly, however, recent studies have shown a positive correlation between milk consumption and bone fractures. In places like Asia and Africa, where dairy consumption is lowest,osteoporosis less common. If this isn't enough to cut milk out of your diet, surely it raises suspicion.

It’s a nightmare for the cows

Cows in the United States spend their lives in mud lots surrounded by diseases and their own feces. In the dairy industry, a cow is raised to produce milk over and over again. How does the industry maximize milk production? They repeatedly impregnate cows. This isn't a natural or simple process. First they must obtain the sperm. They do so by using an electro-ejaculator for bulls, which is a rather disturbing process. Once the sperm is collected, they confine the cow to a "rape rack", the industry's nickname for the device used to inseminate the female cow. When the cow gives birth, her baby is violently taken away from her (leaving the traumatized calf screaming for the mother, and most times too weak to survive). The industry does this to prevent the calf from drinking the milk intended for humans. Once the cows can no longer physically produce milk, in exhaustion they collapse and are sent to the slaughterhouse and turned into hamburger meat.

This topic is still very controversial, but in the mean time there are plenty of other healthy alternatives for milk. Almonds may very well be one of my least favorite things to snack on, but when I tried almond milk I was amazed. In all honesty it’s far healthier and in my opinion tastes way better than milk. Other easily accessible alternatives that are pus free include cashew milk, hemp milk, and coconut milk. For strong healthy bones, try eating leafy greens like kale, spinach, or okra. For something more filling that’s full of calcium, try fish like salmon, perch, and rainbow trout. Next time you sport a milk mustache, think twice!


February 24,2016 Daily Tip

Guest User

Eliminating or reducing soda intake gives weight loss a big boost by reducing sugar consumption.  Even diet soda consumption is highly correlated with weight gain and diabetes, due to the body's insulin response to what it assumes to be sugar.  Reduce/eliminate soda intake to facilitate weight loss and improve health.


February 19,2016Daily tip

Guest User

Many of us are deficient in Vitamins A,C,D,E, Zinc and Selenium, all of which contribute to a strong immune system.  Especially if you are not eating 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, consider adding a multi-vitamin, which contains these nutrients to avoid deficiencies.


February 18, Daily Tip

Guest User

Addictive foods cause cravings, and sometimes gas, bloating and discomfort.  Observe which foods you might be addicted to, and substitute other foods or distract yourself to avoid them.  It usually takes 3-5 days to completely flush addictive foods from the body to relieve cravings, making weight control significantly easier.


Daily Tip,February 17,2016

Guest User

Hydrogenated fats (trans fats) are unhealthy because they have been chemically restructured to prevent breakdown and spoilage.   While this process is good for the food industry and the shelf life of foods, the body can't break trans fats down either.  The result is excess unnatural fats floating in the bloodstream clogging arteries and damaging blood vessel linings.  Eliminate trans fats for a healthy cardiovascular system.


February 15,2016 Daily Tip

Guest User

Alcohol metabolism requires and often depletes both B Vitamins and magnesium.  After alcohol consumption, in addition to drinking water to rehydrate, additional B Vitamins and magnesium may help restore balance more quickly.  Consider having B Vitamins and magnesium supplements available after a bender.


February 12,2016 Daily Tip

Guest User

Butter, coconut oil, and avocado oil are all stable fats that are not damaged by the heating process.  Many other oils/fats change chemically when heated, resulting in free radical damage to blood vessels when consumed.  Even healthy olive oil is best served cold to avoid degradation when heated.  Choose butter, coconut oil, or avocado oil when cooking to minimize risk of cardiovascular damage (free radical damage) from heat-damaged oils.
